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  • Unix Help - Places to get help with specific flavors of Unix.

  • Unix System Security - How to secure your Unix system better. This article uses HP-Ux as the specific example, but many of the topics will be generally applicable.

  • Veritas Cluster Help - Detailed help with Veritas Cluster including installation and debugging tips. Light help on Filesystem/Volume Manager.

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  • Unix Hardware Vendors - Vendors that sell pre-installed UNIX systems.

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Now playing: DVD movies, Windows audio files on Ubuntu Linux - NetworkWorld.com

Now playing: DVD movies, Windows audio files on Ubuntu Linux
NetworkWorld.com, MA - 22 hours ago
By Todd R. Weiss , Computerworld , 09/15/2008 Life just got easier for users of the downloadable or boxed retail versions of the Ubuntu Linux 8.04 operating ...

Developers prefer commercial Linux: EDC (CIOL)
SANTA CRUZ, USA: When it comes to leading edge or High Performance Computing, open source developers overwhelmingly say they would recommend using commercial versions of Linux over non-commercial versions, according to the latest Evans Data Corp Open Source Software and Linux survey.

Embedded Linux and FPGAs Accelerate Embedded Software Development - MarketWatch

Embedded Linux and FPGAs Accelerate Embedded Software Development
MarketWatch - Sep 16, 2008
BlueCat Linux represents a highly stable, commercial-grade embedded operating system. BlueCat is available integrated with the Xilinx(R) EDK(TM) for support ...

Developers Prefer Commercial Linux Says Survey - LinuxElectrons

Developers Prefer Commercial Linux Says Survey
LinuxElectrons, TX - 10 hours ago
Non-commercial Linux is preferred for web development and embedded systems. "While the open source nature of Linux and the availability of Linux source code ...

VMware testing data center OS for managing everything - Computerworld Kenya


VMware testing data center OS for managing everything
Computerworld Kenya, MA - Sep 15, 2008
Most other large companies and many mid-sized firms also have environments that include RISC-based servers, Unix operating systems and midrange systems ...
VMware wants to trump Windows and Linux servers with its Virtual ... ZDNet
VMWare announces virtual operating system ComputerWeekly.com
all 125 news articles

Plat'Home Unveils Winners of "Will Linux Work?" Contest - MarketWatch

Plat'Home Unveils Winners of "Will Linux Work?" Contest
MarketWatch - Sep 16, 2008
For five weeks, Plat'Home challenged the Linux community to propose interesting and challenging scenarios to run Plat'Home's OpenMicroServer. ...

NJVC expands space for growth - Bizjournals.com

NJVC expands space for growth
Bizjournals.com, NC - Sep 15, 2008
NJVC is recruiting to fill more than 100 jobs in information technology, including Oracle and UNIX database administrator positions. ...

Cluster Resources to Provide Moab Hybrid Cluster Solution on New ... - MarketWatch

Wall Street Journal

Cluster Resources to Provide Moab Hybrid Cluster Solution on New ...
MarketWatch - 1 hour ago
The Cray CX1 supercomputer is built to run on either the new Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008 or Linux operating systems. However, with the addition of the ...
Fancy a $25K Cray on your desk? Computerworld
Cray, Intel, and Microsoft birth baby supercomputer Register
Microsoft, Cray and Intel team up for cheaper supercomputer Seattle Times
guardian.co.uk - CRN
all 73 news articles

OpenSolaris 2008.05 is robust and ready (NewsForge)
Sun has been getting serious about opening up its software for a few years now. OpenSolaris, an open source Unix operating system like Linux and BSD, released in May, is its latest foray into the open source arena. I found OpenSolaris to be a production-ready OS that works equally well on desktops and servers.

Complete Story Related Stories: ASUS Eee PC 901 / Intel Atom: Linux Distribution Comparison (Sep 15, 2008) Unigine ... (Linux Today)
"Larabel started Phoronix.com in June 2004 with the intention of catering to the Linux market. The idea sprang from his disappointment with the then-current state of hardware compatibility lists and databases.

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